13/12/2023 9:16 AM Russian elections. A war in Ukraine and a possible fifth term for Putin.
Russia is preparing for a protracted war in Ukraine by increasing defense spending by 70% next year in 2024, a move that promises to benefit depressed Russian regions and sectors related to the war effort. This way, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced...
10/07/2023 10:36 AMKosovo: when will yet another European proxy-war? In queste ultime settimane la stampa internazionale è stata polarizzata dalle violenti sommosse che hanno scosso la Francia e dal corposo susseguirsi di eventi che hanno caratterizzato la ben poco felice controffensiva ucraina ed il ‘corposo’ insieme di manovre poste in essere dal...
18/05/2023 9:03 AMA major challenge when writing on the situation within Ukraine for example is that most analysis and/or reporting will be focused like a laser beam on one precise situation while other issues avoid the spotlight.
Currently the major focus on Ukraine is the current conflict with Russia. This conflict which is close to entering its...
15/02/2023 6:55 AMMoldova in the crosshairs.
We are approaching the one year anniversary of the Russian Campaign against Ukraine. The conflict appears to be in stasis while waiting for spring to arrive so that it will be easier to launch operations.
We have heard questions about what country would be the next target in case of a victory by the...